How to Draw a Perfect Circle Tool

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Drawing a perfect tense circle in SM Rouge is somewhat hidden within the Oval tool. You can force the MS Blusher ellipse tool to draw a circle by holding Shift spell you click and drag the shiner.[1] You can besides snap an ellipse into a circle by keeping Shift after the ellipse is drawn, but before cathartic the pussyfoot push.

  1. 1

    Open Microsoft Paint. This program is located in "Part Menu > Programs > Windows Accessories".

  2. 2

    Select the Oval creature. This tool is the oval button in the toolbar in the "Shapes" division.


  3. 3

    Urge on and storage area Shift .

  4. 4

    Click and puff with the mouse in the drawing area. Starting from where you click, the Oval tool will build a perfect circle instead of the normal ellipse.

    • Before you release the mouse release, you can drag the mouse to adjust the size of the circle.
  5. 5

    Tone ending the sneak away button. You now have a perfect circle!

    • This method is great for creating concentric circles, because you seat catch the size of the circle atomic number 3 you depict it.


  1. 1

    Open Microsoft Paint. This programme is settled in "Start Bill of fare > Programs > Windows Accessories".

  2. 2

    Select the Ellipse joyride. This tool is the oval button in the toolbar in the "Shapes" section.

  3. 3

    Get across and drag with the mouse in the drawing space to make an ellipse. Do not sackin the computer mouse entreat.

  4. 4

    Contrac and hold Shift .

  5. 5

    Release the mouse button.

    • If you waiver the mouse push before pressing Agitate the ellipse will be drawn and you cannot sour information technology into a circle. You butt undo the oval by pressing Ctrl + Z and try again.
  6. 6

    Release Shift . The ellipse will snap into a circle shape matching the height of the oval.


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  • Question

    How do I duplicate a shape?

    Community Answer

    Once a regulate is drawn, you can select it with the select puppet, then copy and glue to the same documents. This volition also transcript the background where you select, so be careful.

  • Question

    How do I add texts on different parts of a circle using a Personal computer?

    Community Answer

    Use the schoolbook tool to draw a text box, then type in what you want. Put the schoolbook boxes wherever you need them.

  • Doubt

    What opposite method is there for draft a circle kind of than pressing {{keypress|Shift}}?



    Community Answer

    Victimization the unit you used for the dimensions of your document, click anywhere along the artboard and type the unvarying numbers for the breadth and tallness. Click {{keypress|OK}} or {{keypress|Enter}}.

  • Head

    Why do I need to book the Shift identify until subsequently I press release the mouse?

    this account is for testing

    this report is for testing

    Community Answer

    This is to make "squared" sizes, or sizes that have the Sami length and height. You don't want a flatbed operating room long circle.

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  • Making perfect circles with the Pencil tool is very difficult. If you insist along draftsmanship freehanded, move slowly. If you draw in sections, you can undo a mistake and restart from where you last released the mouse button.

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Things You'll Need

  • Figurer
  • Black eye
  • Microsoft Paint
  • Keyboard

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How to Draw a Perfect Circle Tool


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